Here's a picture of me with my friend, Chloe, and my sister, Parker. We are in our Upward basketball shirts. Upward Basketball is so much fun. We learn lots of neats things.
Friends by heart sisters by soul (* quiet and shy *) TRY OUTTA CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anna Beth: This is your MIMI here! I am excited to be able to keep up with you at your blog! You have grown up into such a beautiful young lady. I miss you and I hope you are having a great day.
Love you!
"Mandy B"
Wouldn't you know that Mimi would be the first to comment. We would not want it any other way. I am so excited about your blog and the newspaper. I had dinner with Keith and Susan saturday night! It was so fun to see them and I got to meet Keely's special friend.
I miss you.
Angie B
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