Saturday, April 15, 2006

Fishing with Daddy

On April Friday,14th I went fishing at Mrs. Reba Jane and Mr. Johnny's almost new house. Then we got our stuff out of the car and we went to the pond we fished for a hour and didn't even geta bite. So we went to a bigger pond and started fishing . Parker was the first one to catch a fish. Parker and I started fishing and caught some fish. My daddy didn't catch a fish because he had to put the live worms on our hook and take pictures of the fish we caught. We had lots of fun fishing!
Thank you for taking me fishing, Daddy. I had fun!

1 comment:

a likens said...

AB, I love the hair. You look so grown up with it shorter. I'm missing you more when I read fun stories like locks of love and Fishing. You will have writing beat before you set foot in fourth grade. Good stuff.
I love you, chicka.
Angie B