Monday, March 13, 2006

A GREAT b-day/ going away party.

One of my best friends had a birthday party! It was at the Skatearama. We did lots of fun things there. I gave her a shekt pad, pensills, earasers, a sharpener, and map pencills. She said she liked it! We ate cake and had snacks. The people that went her birthday/ going away party skated alot. I had a wonderful time with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!

So I would just like to say I will miss you Lexi.


Mandy B Stenberg said...

Anna Beth: I'm so glad you are posting on your blog. It is so much fun. I'm going to put new pictures on my blog today . . . they are of my dad and a few black bears! Check it out.


a likens said...

I think the cake is one of the most important parts!!! i LOVE CAKE. no kidding.